Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Dam after Rainfall Posted by Picasa
Standing on the Courdoroy Road Posted by Picasa
Chainsaw Posted by Picasa
Courdoroy Road Posted by Picasa
Susie Posted by Picasa
Walking the Trail Posted by Picasa
Spillway Bridge Posted by Picasa
Campers Posted by Picasa
Sharing a story Posted by Picasa
Chuck Wagon II Posted by Picasa
More eating Posted by Picasa
Feed Me! Posted by Picasa
Breakfast Posted by Picasa
Chuck Wagon Posted by Picasa
Across the road Posted by Picasa
Eagle's Nest Posted by Picasa
Independence Dam Posted by Picasa
Work, work, work! Posted by Picasa
Working Hard Posted by Picasa
Scouts Posted by Picasa
Break time Posted by Picasa
Benching Posted by Picasa
Lunchtime Posted by Picasa
Trail After Posted by Picasa
Trail Before Posted by Picasa